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what should I read for - BUSINESS COMMUNICATION


Methods of Communication

Nature of Communication: what is communication? Methods of communication: letters, memos, reports, fax, email, presentations, telephone, and multimedia, choosing the means of communication, key stages in the communication cycle, barriers to communication, communication systems, principles of effective communication, impact of information technology, ten tips for successful communication.

Oral communication: speaking skills, listening skills, non-verbal communication, and interviews.

Achieving the task: time management, prioritisation, asking questions, note taking, referencing, and evaluating.

Use of English: modern business language, parts of speech, subject and verb agreement, punctuation, some basic grammatical rules, some common errors

Introducing the business letter: rules of good writing, guidelines for composing letters, categories of business letters, modern business communication, adaptation and selection of words, masculine words, writing effective sentences, developing logical paragraphs, overall tone, drafting, editing and finalising the business letters

Recruitment and employment correspondence: the recruitment process, application letter, curriculum vitae, invitation to interview, references, offer of employment, job description, letter of acceptance, letter of resignation, testimonial or letter of recommendation
Internal communications: memoranda, why memos? Structure, tone, and reports: types of reports, formal reports, covering memo, and informal reports, meetings documentation: meetings in business, types of meeting, notice and agenda, Chairman’s agenda, minutes of meeting
Business Presentations: role and process, planning and organising the presentation, developing appropriate visual aids, visual planning boards, computer graphics, delivering the presentation, collaborative presentations, video presentations

Persuasive messages: planning the persuasive message, organising a persuasive request, common types of persuasive requests
Circulars and sales letters: circular letter, circular with tear-off slip, reply-paid cards, sales letters, publicity material: public relations, press releases, newsletters: staff newsletters, customer newsletters, writing skills

Notices and advertisements: notices, designing notices, advertisements, types of advertisement, writing style, and leaflets: types, designing of leaflets, invitations: formal and informal
Bad news messages: planning the bad news message, types of negative replies, and bad news announcements

Special messages: planning the special message, mixed news messages, messages with legal implications, goodwill messages

Reformulating and summarizing: what is a summary? Using synonyms, reducing phrases, one word for many, retain or remove? guidelines for writing summaries, business summaries

Comprehension: using a dictionary, grammatical precision, contextual clues, types of answer, giving opinions, wording and displaying answers, guidelines for comprehension

Suggested Reading:

Guirdham M and Tyler K- Enterprise Skills for Students (Butterworth and
Heinemann, 1998)

Iles J (ed)- U of Westminster Mini Manuals: MS Power Point, Word, Excel, and Access

Lesikar R V and Pettit Jr J D- Business Communication: Theory and Application (Irwin, 2002)

Scot O– Contemporary Business Communication (Houghton Mifflin, 1995)

Taylor S- Communication for Business (Pearson Education, 2002)

Student of Rai Business School, New Delhi

Sanjeev Kumar Singh

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