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what should I read for- ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR


Organizational Behaviour - What managers do, definition of OB, contributing discipline to OB,
challenges and opportunities for OB. Foundations of Individual Behaviour - biographical characteristics, ability, and learning. Values, Attitudes and Job satisfaction. Personality and Emotions Perception.

Motivation - Concept, Theories of Maslow, Herzberg, Mc Cell and, Porter & Lawler Model, Application of Motivation concept. Foundations of Group Behaviour - Group formation, development and structure, group processes, group decision – making techniques, work teams. Interpersonal Skill - Transactional analysis, Life Positions, Johari Window. Leadership: Concept, theories, Styles and their application.

Power and politics in organization
Conflict Management, Stress Management, Crisis Management
Organisational Change & Development, innovation, creating learning organization
Organisational Culture
Organisational Effectiveness.

Student of Rai Business school, New Delhi

sanjeev kumar singh

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