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what should I read for -GERMAN Language


Fluency in spoken German
Improving the confidence level in communicating in German.
Neutralisation of the accent.

All the 26 alphabets and the special characters in German language.

Counting the ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers.

This tells about different colors in German

Body Parts
Naming the different body parts in German

Animal, Vehicles
This deals with how to name the different animals and vehicles in German.

Different Professions in the language

Nationalities and Languages
Module deals with different countries and their languages.

General Phrases & Question Words
All the general usage terms are taught in this.

Date and Time & month Names
How one tells date and time in German

Nouns and Artikels
The 3 types of artikels used with nouns. Also Definate and Indefinate artikels.

Verbs and Their Conjugations (present Tense
The most important module which deals with action words i.e. Verbs .It is further divided into 2 categories – Regular, Irregular.

Sentence Structure (Verb Position)
This module deals with the position of verb in a sentence and how do we frame a sentence in German.

Dative and Genitive Case

Some Audio Cassettes and Translation Exercises

Text Comprehension and Written Expression

- Comprehension of simple texts and precise wring
- Essays on simple topics , questions on civilization
- Translation of simple passage into English and simple sentences into the language.
- Society and Culture in contemporary Europe. The texts would be provided by the Department
- Oral Expression

Reading of texts, general questions .To be evaluated as Continuous Evaluation
Material to be given by the Department.

Recommended Books for Reference:-

SprachkursDeutsch 1 & 2 ,Verlag Moritz Diesterweg
Frankfurt am Main 1989 / Goyalsaab Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi

Moment Mal 1 !, Langenscheidt KG, Berlin und München , W.R. Goyal Publishers & Distributors , Delhi

Langenscheidt Taschenwörterbuch , German – English , English – German ,Goyalsaab , Delhi

LernzielDeutsch , 1&2 , (Wolfgang Hieber), Max Hueber Verlag

Student of Rai Business School, New Delhi

Sanjeev Kumar Singh

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