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Do’s and Don’t of interview

Do’s and Don’t of interview
1-Come alone
2-Come a little early
3-Address the interviewer by title and name
4-Shake hands firmly
5-Wait until you are asked to be seated
6-Maintain good eye contact
7-Take time to think about answers to the questions
8-Do not be afraid to ask for clarifications
9-Be positive
10-Stress your qualification for the job and your readiness to undertake the duties

1-Ask when you can call to learn about the hiring decisions
2-Smoke or chew any thing even if asked to do so
3-Handle any thing on the interviewers desk
4-Discuss personnel problems, financial problems, jobs you couldn't get
5-Criticize your previous employers
6-Provide information which is not factual
7-Beg for the job
8-Hang around after the interview

Student of Rai Business School-New Delhi

Sanjeev Kumar Singh

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