Letter is a written message from one person to another.
They are a reliable means of communication between two persons in different locations.
Rules for writing Formal Letters in English
• Address:
1. Your address:- the return address should be written in the top right-hand corner of the letter.
2. The address of the person you are writing to:- the inside address should be written on the left, starting below your address.
3. Date:- different people put the date on different sides of the page. You can write the date on the right or the left on the line after the address you are writing to. Write the month as a word.
• Salutations or greeting:
1. Dear Sir or Madam:- if you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, use this. It is always advisable to try to find out the name of the concerned person.
2. Dear Mr. Gupta:- if you know the name, use the title Mr, Mrs, Miss, or Ms, Dr and the surname only. If you are writing to a woman and do not know if she uses Mrs or Miss you can use Ms which is for married and single women.
• Ending a letter:
1. Yours faithfully:- if you do not know the name of the person, end the letter this way.
2. Yours sincerely:- if you know the name of the person, end the letter this way.
3. Your signature:- sign your name, then print it underneath the signature.
• First paragraph:- the first paragraph should be short and state the purpose of the letter- to make an enquiry, complain, request something etc.
• Middle paragraph:- should contain the relevant information behind the writing of the letter.
• Last paragraph:- should state what action you expect the recipient to take- to refund, send information.
Abbreviations used in letter writing
• asap= as soon as possible
• cc= carbon copy
• enc= enclosure
• pp= per procurationem ( Latin phrase when you sign on behalf of some one)
• ps= postscript (when you want to add something after you’ve finished and signed
• RSVP= please reply.
Do’s in letter writing
• Your address, but not your name, usually goes in the top right hand corner. You would not usually include your telephone number or e-mail address here.
• The name and address of the person you are writing to goes below this, on the left.
• The position of the date is more flexible. It can go on the left or the right, usually below the address details.
• The salutation at the beginning of the letter depends on whether or not you have the name of the person.
• It is common to put the subject of the letter directly below the salutation. This would be in bold or underlined.
• The content of your letter should be short as possible, divide into short, clear paragraphs.
• It is common to end your letter with a phrase such as I look forward to hear from you….
• Check your grammar and spelling very carefully
• Use the right tone of language.
Student of Rai Business School-New Delhi
Sanjeev Kumar Singh
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