Frequently asked Questions in Interview
Q1-Tell us about yourself ?
This is an opportunity for you to lead the interview so take full advantage of it. Structure your answer in the following three headings:-Family BackgroundEducational BackgroundAchievements.
Q2- Why do you want to join us?
To answer this question, you must have researched the company well. Here you can quote some of your personal beliefs, which are in conjunction with the values of the company or talk about specific products and services which could be of interest to you too.
Q3-What would you like to be doing five years from now?
This question is asked to check the following:-1-candidate’s career plan and ambition for growth
2-Assess if your personal goals are not totally off tangent with what company’s objectives are. 3-To check your stability with the organization.
Q4-Do you prefer working with others or alone?
This question is usually asked to determine whether you are a team player. Before answering, however, be sure you know whether the job requires you to work alone. Then answer appropriately.
Q5-What are your biggest accomplishments?
You may like to begin your reply with: "Although I feel my biggest achievements are still ahead of me……………………
It will be a good idea to close your answer with also specifying what attributes and circumstances made you succeed.
Q5-What are your favorite subjects?
It is a leading question giving direction to the panel members for possible areas where they can probe in further for your knowledge base
Q6-Why should we hire you?
Keep your answer short and to the point. You should highlight areas from your background that relates to the need of the organization. Recap the organization’s description of the job, meeting it point by point with your skills.
Q7-What are your hobbies?
This question is generally asked to assess whether you are "desktop" kind of a person or an "interaction orientated person".
Q8-. What is the worst feedback you have ever got?
To answer this question you must admit and share your areas of improvement. Also sharing an action plan for improving oneself will indicate your ability to take criticism well. Your answer should reflect your open-mindedness.
Q9-What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
The question looks for information on two fronts: How do you define difficult? And, how was your handling of the situation?
A well thought out answer to each of these questions, prepared and rehearsed in advance with the logical sequencing of the events will help you sail through.
student of rai business school- New Delhi
Sanjeev Kumar Singh
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